How to Order Books

If you have ANY problems with your book order--such as your local book store or book dealer telling you that a book is 'on back order' or 'out of stock' or 'unable to order' or for any other reason, PLEASE CALL Carol Montero at (646) 307-5012 and she'll be happy to help you with your order. And let Darleen know so that she can contact her editor.  Thanks!

Ordering books for Darleen's author visit has never been easier.

Depending on where you order, you can save 20% - 40% on each book orders. This savings can be passed on to your teachers and students, or you can sell the books for the full price and use your profit to help defray Darleen's speaking expenses.

Helpful Tips BEFORE Placing Your Book Order:

1. About four-five weeks before Darleen arrives, send home her ready-made announcement letter with your students. This will introduce Darleen's visit to the parents and will take book orders.

2. When book orders and money start coming in, keep a tally of how many of each book is ordered. Then add two dozen extra books onto that number, and you should have a good "guesstimate" to place your order.

FYI-The average elementary school Darleen goes to has a population of about 500 students and will usually sell about 100 books.  Quite often, schools will sell about 200 books and sometimes schools will get grant money to purchase a book for every student! Please let Darleen know ahead of time if she is to autograph over 100 books so that she can divide the autographing time in several sessions to give her hand a break!

Remember--Place your book order a month before Darleen's visit or as soon as possible.

3. Three or four days before Darleen's arrival, send home the ready-made reminder notice  with your students. This will generate last minute book sales to those who didn't pre-order books. It also serves as a reminder to parents/grandparents who may want to attend Darleen's visit.

Three Easy Ways to Order:

Local Bookstores in Your Area

No matter what state you live in, most local bookstores are happy to help you with your book-ordering task.  They usually offer a 15 - 20% discount, and allow you to return unsold books at no charge. BUT check with your local bookstore for specific details and to confirm this information.

In Oklahoma specifically, Darleen suggests contacting Best of Books at: 1313 NE Danforth, Edmond, OK 73034. Phone: 405-340-9202 and 1-800-898-9202.  Fax: 405-340-9509.

These gals have handled so many of Darleen's school visits in Oklahoma, they could take your book order with their eyes closed! They are so easy to work with and can even help you estimate how many books to order according to the number of students and past book sales in your book fairs. You don't have to put any money down and you only pay for the books you sell.  All unsold books can be returned at no cost.  They do not charge for taxes, and they provide a 20% discount. Just tell them Darleen is heading your way and they'll take it from there. Place your order three to four weeks in advance (if possible)of Darleen's visit. Last minute orders may be subject to overnight shipping costs, so it's best to order in advance.

Also in Oklahoma, you can contact a super-duper guy who will help you with all your author visit book orders:  Kyle Brown who is the Oklahoma representative for Perma-Bound Books.  Darleen has heard countless nice comments from librarians/teachers who have ordered books through Kyle, so he comes highly recommended. He also provides two free Perma-Bound books to Oklahoma schools who host an author visit!  AND, last but not least, he has taken on the huge-but-wonderful task of interviewing the authors nominated for the Oklahoma Sequoyah Award and filming their interviews on a DVD which he provides to schools to help promote reading of the Sequoyah-nominated books.  (You can see this DVD at Encyclo-Media at the Perma-Bound booth and on Kyle's web site.) His contact information is: 1-800-644-7338 and 405) 447-4433.  His toll-free fax is: 866-442-9778.  His e-mail address is: .

Chain Bookstores or Superstores

If you want to order the books through a chain bookstore, such as Barnes & Noble or Hastings, you probably won't have much luck. They usually can't get the quantity of books you need from their warehouse, but it doesn't hurt to ask. Make sure, though, that they offer a discount of 15-20%, and order SEVERAL WEEKS in advance so if they can't get the books, you still have a few weeks to get them elsewhere.

Direct through Darleen’s Publisher

To Order Books from Farrar, Straus & Giroux:

Books-hardcover and paperback-are available at a 40% discount. This discount can be used by the organization to defray costs, for profit, or can be passed along to customers.

Click here if you would like to place a book order or have questions/concerns about book orders.

For immediate assistance, you may phone Carol Montero at (646) 307-5012 at the book ordering department.

When ready to place an order, please have the following information available: date of Darleen's appearance, number of titles needed, billing and shipping addresses, and the name and telephone number of the contact person at your organization.

SORRY--The Pumpkin Man from Piney Creek and The Babbs Switch Story is currently out-of-print. Darleen is working on finding a publisher who will bring these books back into print. Cross your fingers!